
1st October 2024 - 22nd December 2024

Overview and Call for Papers:
In today's dynamic landscape, the boundaries within our profession are evolving rapidly. From innovations in technology to the intricate dynamics of interprofessional relationships, the delineations between roles, domains, and professional lines are becoming increasingly blurred. The theme for this year's conference, "Blurred Boundaries," invites practitioners, scholars and innovators to explore and dissect these shifts and invites submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Innovations in Technology: How are emerging technologies reshaping the landscape of sign language interpretation and translation? What role do AI, machine learning, and digital tools play in enhancing our practice?​
Interprofessional and Client Professional Relationships: How can sign language interpreters and translators foster effective collaborations with professionals from diverse backgrounds? What strategies promote understanding and synergy in client interactions?
Linguistic Evolution: In what ways is sign language evolving, and how does this evolution influence interpretation and translation? How can practitioners adapt to linguistic changes while preserving cultural nuances and authenticity?
Professional Intersectionality: How do intersecting identities and experiences shape the practice of sign language interpretation and translation? What measures can be taken to ensure inclusivity and representation within our profession?
Domains of Work: What new domains are sign language professionals venturing into? How do these expansions challenge traditional boundaries and offer opportunities for growth and specialization?
Professional Lines: How are the delineations between interpreters and translators evolving in response to changing demands and expectations? What implications do these evolving roles have for professional development and identity?
Models of Interpreting: What innovative approaches and models are emerging in the field of sign language interpretation? How do these models address the diverse needs of clients and practitioners?
Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (5 min video) and should clearly outline the objectives, methodology, and anticipated outcomes of the proposed presentation.
Presentations may take various formats, including research papers, case studies or panel discussions.
All submissions should be received by Sunday 22nd December 2024 can be submitted by clicking the submit now button below. Please complete all sections of the form.
Key Dates:
Call for Papers Opens: 1st October 2024
Submission Deadline: 22nd December 2024
Review Panel: 23rd December 2024- 13th January 2025
Notification to Presenters: 17th January 2025
Conference Date: 28th/29th June 2025
Selection Process for Conference Papers
At The Together Conference for Sign Language Interpreters and Translators, we uphold rigorous standards in selecting papers for presentation. Our selection process is designed to ensure diversity, relevance, and excellence in the topics addressed during the event.
Anonymous Review Process
All submitted papers undergo a blind review process. This means that reviewers evaluate the submissions without knowledge of the authors' identities, ensuring impartiality and fairness.
Alignment with Conference Themes and Aims
Each paper is assessed based on its alignment with the overarching themes and aims of the conference. We prioritise submissions that contribute meaningfully to the advancement of sign language interpreting and translation practices, as well as related topics in line with the conference theme of 'Blurred Boundaries'.
Criteria-Based Evaluation
Our diverse panel of experienced Deaf and hearing sign language interpreters and translators evaluate papers based on predefined criteria. These criteria encompass factors such as originality, clarity, methodological rigour, and potential impact on the field.
Join Our Review Panel for Conference Submissions
We invite you to join our esteemed review panel for the upcoming Together Conference. Your expertise and insights are crucial in selecting high-quality presentations that will shape our event.
We are keen to have a diverse mix of both Deaf and hearing interpreters and translators, from various backgrounds and with differing levels of experience, from newly qualified to very experienced professionals.
Conference submissions will be reviewed during the period
of 23rd December 2024 - 13th January 2025, with the final lineup
announced on 1st February 2025. This is a fantastic opportunity
to contribute to the professional community and ensure a diverse
and engaging conference program.
If you are interested in being part of the review panel, please
get in touch by using the form below.
Thank you for your support and commitment to excellence in our field!