
Meet the Presenters

DR. Kounghee Koh
Kounghee Koh is a certified Korean interpreter and researcher with over 25 years of experience. She holds a Ph.D. from Chong-shin University and is currently the President of KASLI (Korea Association of Sign Language Interpreters). Kounghee is also the leader of the Christian sign language interpreter group ‘SOLAFIDE’ and the Chief Director of the Sign Language Cooperative Federation.
Her research focuses on Deafblind issues, haptic signals, and self-help groups for the Deafblind. She has authored several studies, including on Danish haptic signals and the development of haptic communication for Deafblind individuals.
In her personal time, Kounghee enjoys golfing and travelling with Deaf individuals, often joining them not just as an interpreter, but also as a friend. She hosts monthly gatherings in her home for Deaf sign language users, interpreters and the wider community.
Session Blurred Boundary
This session addresses the blurred boundary between roles and responsibilities in Deaf-hearing interpreter teams. It explores how collaboration can enhance interpreting practice, while navigating the interplay of professional expertise, cultural identity, and mutual respect.